If you want more funding, could you consider using this budget to improve studies in that regard?
I'm telling you, we hear about difficult things. Although we're being criticized, we did a tour of the Maritimes because we wanted to hear what the people around us were saying. As we know, Quebec is linked to the maritime provinces by the river, the gulf, the estuary. We wanted to talk to them about how they felt and how things were going on their side. That's why we were in the Maritimes recently. We went there with the ultimate goal of understanding the fisheries issue in its entirety.
Is your department considering the possibility of managing the protection of the resource, of course, but without overlooking the human factor and the repercussions on humans when a decision is made? It's all well and good to want to save a fish, but people have come here to tell us that, to save a fish, three families who own a company are being destroyed.
Is it possible for budgets to be set aside in your department to hire specialists to assess these kinds of effects?