We've done a review. Every province has forestry regulations that provide riparian setbacks from waterways. Essentially, there's a lot of compatibility with the avoidance of HADD under the Fisheries Act, but what we've seen—I've been through maybe two revisions of the Fisheries Act—is that prior to 2012, we had one-window agreements whereby if provinces could meet or beat the Fisheries Act, DFO would actually utilize the provincial regulatory system for bridges, culverts and riparian setbacks. Essentially, it could be a one-window, so it's a very streamlined regulatory approach, which we very much appreciate in forestry.
Since the changes with Fisheries Act to go away from HADD and then back to HADD, we're not in that position right now. There are a couple, particularly in east coast Canada, that still have a one-window provision. We have asked DFO to prioritize looking at the provincial regulatory frameworks and where they could provide that equivalency and that efficiency in processes, because that equivalency is there in most jurisdictions.