I'll be really quick.
We see in fisheries that some stocks are lower now in the gulf or someplace else. I'm not sure if this is feasible, but I'd like to ask you to tell us what you think about that. Perhaps I can start with Mr. Allen.
Let's say we close a fishery because there's no more shrimp or lobster whatsoever. Do you think we should also have some measures to make sure that...? Yes, of course, we want to rebuild the stock, but there are some communities that will be affected by the closure—fishers, deckhand men and women, fish plant workers and community businesses.
Do you think we should put something in the act that will kind of say that if this happens, then we need programming in place to support this community? Of course, the act is to protect the resources, but what do you think about it being in the act that we also need to protect the community?