It's no problem. I can speak to that as the program director for an indigenous organization.
We've been actively reaching out to the PSSI team. I think “silos” is a really good word to use when referring to this new subsection within the department. They don't seem to know how to work with first nations in the context of any of the four pillars of the PSSI. They are consistently saying that they have to do more thinking and will get back to us.
It's been about a year—we're coming up to a year as of July—since the first closures were released under the PSSI, and it is incredibly hard to understand or see transparency in the process, including in how the initial PSSI closures will be continuing this year. As Mr. Taylor said, there's a great deal of inconsistency in how that's going to be implemented this year, which is leading to considerable problems on the ground.
The nations I work for are still wondering whether the closures will be continuing this year, as they were announced year as long-term closures, or whether they will not be and if they'll be open to fisheries. I think there are considerable challenges with the linkage between the science driving those management decisions...or not.