Yes, in terms of first nations involvement on the ground, I think that's critical.
As I say, I'm working with first nations right now. What I find is that they are often at the mercy of DFO data, DFO science and the DFO interpretation of that science. They lack the capacity and the dollars to interpret and to do their own science and ensure that their territories and the fish stocks within their territories are being managed according to the best science. As Dr. Whitney alluded to, that science involves their own traditional knowledge as well and being able to incorporate that.
I think first nations need more resources and more independence and, other than people like me or consultants who are also working off the corner of their desk on a shoestring, they need the resources to be able to do the job. They are the managers of their resources. They can't do the job that needs to be done if they are dependent upon what we're all describing here, what all the witnesses are describing: a broken DFO system. First nations are truly at a disadvantage right now in the current system, I believe.