Thank you.
Thank you to all of the witnesses for being here today. It's been a very interesting study.
I would like to start with Mr. Jones if I could.
You mentioned in your comments just a moment ago and in your opening remarks that there remain far too many instances where DFO staff are demonstrating a conflict of interest with the fisheries or aquaculture operations they are meant to regulate and manage, further marginalizing science and avoiding the hard decisions that must be made for the benefit of the fish, oceans and these very industries' future.
We probably don't have time today, but I'd like to ask you if you could provide specific examples of that. I think we are all accountable; we certainly are as elected representatives. The department has some very good staff working for it, but it's unclear to this committee so far where some of these decisions are ending up. If you are able to provide any of those examples, it would certainly help the committee's work on this study.