Thank you.
As it relates to the crab fishery in the gulf, which is pursued in deeper water, are there recommendations that you view as workable? I believe that one thing we all agree on is protecting the North Atlantic right whale and, in deference, protecting our access to the key U.S. market. I mean, at 70% of our market, obviously it sends shivers up the spines of all fishers if the Americans toy with this. We experienced it in P.E.I., as you're aware, when the Americans closed the border on P.E.I. potatoes, and the shock waves that it sent through that industry.
On that side, could you provide additional testimony, written testimony, to the committee on steps that you would like to see this committee recommend to DFO, both to ensure the protection of the whale but also to allow the fishers to maximize their fishing efforts? Is it something that you could comment on?