I'll start off by saying that the conversation and consultation with those in Newfoundland and Labrador has been minimal. This was a real active problem for those fishing in other areas previously, certainly in the Bay of Fundy and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. We hadn't had these sightings.
I don't really believe the effort has been done by DFO to engage in Newfoundland and Labrador. It was obvious that weak rope in some of our fisheries was completely asinine and unsafe. It was clearly not an option and it would lead to more problems. There was huge reluctance to engage in some of this work. There was no engagement by DFO to really solve the problem.
The information I have on initial testing, particularly around crab gear—which I suppose we would be more concerned about due to water depths—is that it has predictably not worked very well, generally speaking. I would say that, in the deeper waters of Newfoundland and Labrador, we can expect that to be probably worse than most of the areas that have been tested.
I'll leave it there and give the time to others.