The way we fish now, to give an example, is that a harvester would fish 70 different traps in a line, with two vertical ropes on the end. If you're forced to put on these weak ropes and ropes with breaking strength, you would have to say that you'll have seven traps in a line, which won't actually fish very well because the gear is too light. You'd have to add safety risks. What that would mean is that you'd have 20 vertical lines in the water. If you don't do that, you'll bust off this gear. You'll have all kinds of ghost gear, tangles of rope and gear on the bottom, ghost fishing. It's also more likely to entangle marine mammals.
In our waters, there's not likely going to be right whales, but probably other marine mammals or other species that we want to protect as well. This ecosystem approach and dealing with people with practical solutions is what we need. It's not implementing solutions that are going to cause us way more problems, including hurting other species—including whales—and, certainly, causing safety issues for harvesters.