Thank you very much.
Good afternoon, honourable members of Parliament. It is an honour to be here today to present to you on the North Atlantic right whale. My name is Michael Barron. I'm the president of the Cape Breton Fish Harvesters Association and also an independent owner-operator of a fishing, lobster and snow crab enterprise in a small coastal community in northern Cape Breton.
As an industry, we're in a difficult place, being at the forefront of the economic and social change that accompanies reconciliation, and now having to deal with the right whale crisis. I would like to stress that as an industry we take great pride in being stewards of the ocean. Our industry would simply not exist if conservation and sustainability was not central to everything we do. We take great pride in the sustainability of our industry, but we often feel our expertise is overlooked or dismissed when it comes to the decisions that are being made around potential new policies and timelines for implementation.
I really want to stress that we need to be more mindful that science, evidence and clear transparent risk assessments need to be in the forefront of DFO policy and regulatory decisions, and not sensationalism and misinformation.
We don't have to look very far, to the recent Monterey Bay Aquarium report, which erroneously listed lobster and snow crab in the red zone, to see the effect a non-evidence-based report can have on an entire industry. Although this is just an NGO report with no real factual or transparent scientific data, it garnered significant media attention and caused great concern amongst the industry. It is also concerning that the government took so long to make a public address in support of the industry to acknowledge what we have done to try to prevent the right whale entanglement. I understand the report was released around the same time as the mourning period of Her Majesty's death, and the mourning was for seven days.
Let me be clear. There have been no reported North Atlantic right whale entanglements linked to Canadian lobster fishing gear in recent years, including since 2017 when Canada enhanced protection measures for right whales. We were glad to see the minister communicate these facts, and I hope that her department leans on our expertise instead of overlooking or dismissing our opinions as they often do when making decisions on the future of our industry. However, I am not overly hopeful, given the fact we are currently being rushed into costly and potentially unsafe gear modifications that lack a proven track record of success.
Similar to other associations, ours is testing whalesafe gear. We actually have one member that is testing ropeless gear, which is a term that is fairly unsettling to me, as we do need rope to retrieve our gear. I prefer the term “end lines on demand”. Nonetheless we are not having much success at this point, which is scary given that we may be forced into an April 1, 2023, gear change implementation timeline. This causes us great concern, because this is only a few months away, giving fishers little time to make the appropriate changes, not to mention that the potential new products could be in short supply as suppliers will not have enough stock on hand.
This rushed timeline concerns industry from a practical perspective but also from a safety perspective as well. We are deeply concerned about using weaker rope or breakaway links when hauling our gear in an environment that is far from forgiving at times. This gear can part or break, and depending on when and where this happens, it becomes a huge safety issue. The parting of this gear would also create more ghost gear. Also, if this end line on demand does in fact become implemented, it could lead to potential gear conflicts. If there is no identifiable marking at water's surface, one fisher will be able to set over another fisher's gear, which may cause both end line on demand units to fail and create even more ghost gear.
I guess I must give DFO credit. They have created this ghost gear fund in lieu of the whalesafe gear modifications that will potentially create a lot of ghost gear. Also, if this technology is implemented to fish within a closed area due to the North Atlantic right whale sighting, it will come at a great cost that only a few within the industry will be able to afford. This in turn could be a huge economic loss to not only the harvester but the coastal community in which they live, which would also mean less taxable income for the government.
On top of this, global issues are impacting the price of our product at a time when the cost of everything is going up. We are not immune to these cost pressures, and I hope you can appreciate this is a vicious circle with no clear exit. Well, maybe there is one—bankruptcy.
The seafood industry directly employs more than 10% of the people in my home county, Victoria County, Nova Scotia, and our industry is often praised that we generate approximately $2 billion of landed value to harvesters within Atlantic Canada and $3.2 billion in export value.
However, we always seem to be on the defensive when it comes to policy changes driven by persuasive public relations campaigns rather than science, evidence and risk. As an industry, we pride ourselves on our sustainability, yet we are forced to endlessly pivot while other entities that use our beautiful pristine ocean do not seem to have to be consistently under the public eye.
In closing, please understand that industry does not want to upset the balance of the ecosystems we fish in. We want the North Atlantic right whale to continue to live amongst us in its environment. We want to continue to provide pristine sustainable protein to help with food security for our great country and around the world, and to provide economic revenue to our coastal communities. We just want to make sure that evidence, science and industry expertise drive policy and that we are given the appropriate time to adust to practical and logical change.
Thank you. I look forward to your questions.