As I said in my opening remarks, if you look at the interactive right whale map.... I mean, for 2015 to present day, there have been four sightings of right whales on the east and northeast coasts. Those were when there was very little fixed gear and absolutely no crab or lobster fisheries in place, so we haven't had issues with right whales.
Like I said, the chances of me getting a right whale is practically zero. We don't have right whales. We haven't had closures. We don't face the same issues that they have in the gulf when they get a concentration of right whales and have closed fishing areas. We're lucky that we don't have that problem. Whether it will come someday with the changing environment, I don't know, but right now, we don't have closures. We don't have those problems, so it begs the question: Why are we trying to fix a problem on the east and northeast coasts when we don't have one?