Absolutely. I think the Department of Fisheries and my fisheries colleagues would very much like any information with regard to where whales are or, for instance, where they are going to. First of all, it's difficult to monitor any sort of mammal. Any sort of assistance that the public or fishers might be able to give to the Department of Fisheries.... They're probably the best people to go to help coordinate those kinds of efforts.
We don't want a million boats on the water, but at the same time these kinds of efforts will help us in identifying where these vessels are.
If I could just respond to the committee member's comment, communication is critical for us. It's communicating with our mariners, issuing notifications and the continuous broadcasting to all of the ships and vessels. There are call-in points. Whether they are coming into that region and have been cleared by Transport Canada and the Coast Guard, or whether they are leaving with a full cargo there are call-in points where they have to get this information. Through the continuous broadcasting they are always informed of any sort of restrictions or news of whales, so that they can at least reduce their speeds in those areas.