The number of mackerel observations that have been confirmed has been really overwhelming. You know, people have been fishing for 40 or 50 years and have never seen anything like it. I'll kind of preface this with people who are not mackerel harvesters themselves, so it's not self-fulfilling or self-promoting; it's just that we've never seen mackerel before like this. It's broadly distributed—broad-sized distributions—so at the same time, it's off the coast of Labrador and down off the northeast coast of Newfoundland, in the bays, in the south off the southwest coast. It's everywhere at the same time. It's certainly never been seen before, and it clearly indicates that there is a disconnect between what science is showing....
You also asked about the bycatch. I should say that catching these mackerel in fisheries that are designed to catch seven-pound codfish is a regular occurrence that people are passing along and getting samples from. It's really abnormal, and it's something that people have never seen before.