I don't know if we see a perspective different from the science. We do see fish everywhere in the ocean. I know I was just out tuna fishing this year, and there was nowhere that I went where there were no mackerel available. Size is definitely an issue sometimes. Usually it's very location-dependent. If you go to the right structure, you're going to find the right fish.
Is it commercially viable? I think on a large scale with seiners involved, no, I do not believe it is, but as far as a bait fishery is concerned, there's definitely room for a bait fishery there.
You're always going to have somebody seeing fish, and they'll look at it differently from the next person as being viable or not viable. The mackerel in the southern gulf waters in the summertime have been fished since before any of us were around.
I have a dime here from the Canadian mint from 1967. It has a mackerel on it, so it's pretty important to our communities and it's pretty important to the inshore fishing sector that this government promised to protect. To have a closure when there could have been a reduction in the fishery is just hard to believe.