I already talked about the conversation around Atlantic mackerel. We coordinate our approach so that we don't have the reality or perception that the U.S. harvesters are harvesting Canadian or shared stocks while we're tied up at harbours because of conservation concerns.
The North Atlantic right whales and the Seafood Watch red listing were a high priority. I also spoke with Mr. Spinrad about some of the issues on the west coast, namely the Alaskan salmon and steelhead trout interception by the pollock fishery in Alaska, as well as the Pacific Salmon Commission and the Fraser River panel.
I know our B.C. members will be interested in hearing that we are also agreeing to have closer coordination. Dr. Spinrad has agreed to speak with the commissioners of the Pacific Salmon Commission on how we can avoid the disconnection between our precautionary approach and what we perceive to be the U.S.'s less precautionary approach in fishing salmon on the west coast this year.