Yes. In the various systems you've indicated, whether in the Merritt area in particular and around Similkameen and around Princeton, most of those features aren't quite the same as the Lower Mainland. We saw lots of agricultural activity and heavy diking. There are dikes in those particular areas, and we had some works that we supported through our regulatory functions to support repairs to those.
The kinds of access issues that you see in the lower Fraser are quite different when you move into the interior. The Coldwater and the Nicola are more natural systems, with some diking, but not necessary to the degree you're seeing in the Lower Mainland. There are still some opportunities there to improve dikes, to have setbacks, to allow better habitat channelization and repair and support for fish and fish habitats. Opportunities are there. They're probably different—more around channel morphology and trying to improve conditions within the stream for fish and fish habitat. The nature of opportunities you might see in the Coldwater and Merritt systems versus what you might see in the Lower Mainland are a little different.