We often see numbers thrown out on the tonnage of fish mammals are eating, or references made to seine boats and whatnot equivalents. The reality is that when we look at what people consume, we find the average American.... When we weigh the food they're consuming, on average, it's about 1.6 tonnes of food per year. That works out to be about 5.6% of body mass. Compare that to pinnipeds. We're talking about 5.3% for seals and 5% for sea lions. Often, it comes down to how the numbers are being used.
The other point I would like to make is that there's a lot of research being done trying to figure out what's wrong with salmon. Not a lot of evidence is finding a connection with the presence of seals, other than their numbers are high compared to fish numbers. There was a recent paper that came out, this past year, on salmon. They looked at survival trends. I can forward this to the committee. There's no connection being demonstrated, there, with the presence of seals.