Absolutely. We have to utilize that information. It's not being properly utilized. Obviously, there are more parts to the equation than just the fish harvesters, but that's a piece that's missing. We have simply eliminated that from the equation. The idea, the science, that we have is predicated on our having to prove that it has no impact on fish populations, so we have to develop the proper terms of reference for the kind of science that we're doing.
I don't know what that is. We're going in the right direction, but nobody really knows yet exactly what the wording and the language is going to be around that. That's an important piece.
We heard from the witnesses today—the people who have lived on the water and understand the impacts—the frustration and the mistrust. There has to be a feeling of trust between the people who are on the oceans, the fish harvesters, and the government, DFO and science. The mistrust that's there now, when you hear ludicrous and silly statements from educated scientists saying 10 million seals have no impact on fish.... Come on; that's a joke. Even bureaucrats in Ottawa who have never been to the east or west coasts would know the difference in that.