As I said in the opening remarks, the first steps are an action plan within six months: action, action and action.
I know a lot of harvesters who shoot on sight. If they are in a boat and they see a seal that's interfering with what they are doing, they take the seal out. I think a lot more of that is going to be happening. It's time for the rubber to hit the road.
I don't know exactly how it works in Australia in terms of kangaroos and the 100 billion animals they have taken out in the past decade or so. I don't know if there's a market for all that meat and all that skin.
I do know that, again, with a population of 520,000, our fisheries and our rural communities are suffering. Every single commercial species is suffering because of seals. It's time for action, and if the Government of Canada doesn't take action, I have no problem with the fishermen and fisherwomen of Newfoundland and Labrador taking action, because it has come to that point.