Perhaps a better relationship between the harvesters and the government.... We don't hear of any real conversations with other governments on this issue. Our friends to the south of us have a huge population of 300 million or so and a great market, yet they've had a ban on it for decades. Those conversations need to be had with top-level officials.
We need to make them realize just how huge an impact this overpopulation of pinnipeds is having on our fish resources, which the world needs and starving people need. We're going to need it, and we're going to continue to need it. My fellow harvesters and I need it now for a living, and the rest of our country needs it for good protein and whatnot.
We have to get down and have real conversations, but we're not hearing tell of any of that. We don't see any effort from our governments in that manner. If it's being done, we're not being told about it.
At least let us know where the government truly stands on it.