That's a very difficult question to answer.
I've read some of the testimony you've had from other witnesses. I think some good ideas have been put forth. We've heard some ideas today about marketing. I've expressed that we need to demonstrate that the harvest is conducted in a humane manner and that it is a sustainable harvest, because that message is not getting through to people, in my opinion.
I think the governments in Canada—and I say governments collectively, so that includes the federal and provincial governments—need to work together to have an information campaign to illustrate and continually demonstrate that the seal harvest is a humane activity and a sustainable activity, and that we have the science to show that the herds are being managed in a sustainable manner. At the same time, I think a crucial part of that is the need to demonstrate to the world the impact that seals are having on our ecosystems and on our fish stocks. I think that without that piece of information to illustrate....
We have to do something. We have no choice other than to manage effectively, using an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management. We have no choice but to manage the seal populations.