We have lots of demand from the United States and Europe. We have orders coming in online, because people don't bother to read the.... They might not not bother to read the line below, saying we can't send anything to the States or the EU, but they might be trying to get us to ship it anyway. We have orders that come in maybe every couple of weeks or every month that we need to refund. We reply to them and say, “We're sorry. We can't ship there due to ill-conceived bans.”
We get cruise ships. We're in downtown St. John's, on Water Street, and cruise ships come in with thousands of people at a time. Most of them are Americans, and they flock to the store. They love the product. They love the idea of it. We actually had our staff members take the humane harvesting course so that, even though they're not sealers, they're well-informed on the whole process. The people who visit want to buy it. They want to support local. They want to support renewable products. You ask them, “Where are you from?”, and you just hope they don't say the United States, but you know they're going to say that, and they walk out.
I'd say over the past 12 months, I've had to refund maybe $25,000 to people from the United States. That's not counting the people who would have bought but who read the disclaimer at the bottom and didn't bother placing the order.
The market is there. We have people crying out for it, but we just can't fill the orders.