Yes, we have indigenous populations and local populations saying that the bans are reducing prices overall, so it's not worthwhile for them to go out to harvest the product and put it to market.
I'm a broken record sometimes, but Angry Inuk shows you a prime example of how these bans are spitting in the face of indigenous peoples and of local, rural Canadians, and for no good reason. It's hypocritical. It's racist. It does no good for the wildlife that these organizations claim to care about. It's so short-sighted. I honestly can't believe we're here in 2023, when renewable resources that are abundant, biodegradable products, healthy things, humane harvesting and these things are so important to the world, and we're here trying to figure out how to make it happen.
It contravenes conventions. It contravenes common sense. It contravenes how we should be living.