Yes, thank you, and you did pretty well with the pronunciation of Kwilosintun.
I think most nations are starting their path forward in terms of UNDRIP implementation, and sometimes we have to wait for government ministries, like DFO, to begin implementing it. We can't wait too long, especially with the decline of salmon. I know we're talking about pinnipeds here, but maybe we have to be the balance. We have an inherent right and an obligation to look after resources within our territories, and certainly the nations are looking at that as an opportunity to work with government, partner if we can, and if we can't I think sometimes you just have to do things for the sake of the resource.
As an example, we have chinook for salmon ceremonies, and we can't have those now for a number of reasons. I mentioned in my comments that climate change is affecting salmon, but if we can't have those, then we have to figure out what the issues are. Sometimes it is predation and it's pinnipeds actively going after those particular fish.
In terms of UNDRIP and DRIPA and reconciliation, the time is now and first nations are ready, at least in the Lower Fraser.