Exactly. Under the inshore regulations, we publish on our website the number of questionnaires, as you have referred to, that have been sent out to licence-holders to determine whether they are.... It's an examination to ensure they are eligible to hold an inshore licence.
These questionnaires are sent out at every issuance. When there is a request for a transfer from one licence-holder to another, we are looking at the eligibility of both licence-holders under the inshore regulations and making a determination. The statistics you see on that website are the representation of the questionnaires that have been sent out.
Depending on the responses received from the department to those questionnaires, we ask for additional information or clarification. In some cases, licence-holders, as you have mentioned, make modifications to loan agreements or supply agreements in order to be eligible. The inshore regulations were designed in such a way to bring licence-holders into compliance with the regulations.