Thank you, Mr. Chair and members of the committee, for inviting my testimony today.
My name is Sonia Strobel. I bring a few different perspectives to this study and to the impacts of foreign ownership and corporate concentration of fishing licences and quotas, and I'll try to focus my remarks in areas that haven't been covered by other witnesses already.
The first perspective I bring is that of a fishing family. I married into the fisheries in B.C. over 20 years ago and have witnessed the same struggles that you've heard from other harvesters. We couldn't afford to buy the licences in our family, so now every year my husband leases, and he faces the same uncertainty as thousands of other harvesters who lease licences.
For many, leased licences come with conditions around whom they must sell to and for what price. They take on the lion's share of the risk setting up for the season, yet they have no agency over the market for their catch. Fishing is inherently uncertain but disproportionately so for small-scale, independent harvesters in B.C. Uncertainty around whether or not you'll even be able to fish is something that our friends and colleagues on the east coast inshore fleet never even have to think about. As you've heard from other witnesses, this is in no small part because of the extent of corporate concentration of licences designed to control both the access to the resource and the price.
Some will say that DFO's beneficial ownership survey will provide evidence that there are no monopolies in fishing in Canada, and the survey may indeed make it appear that way, but be careful what conclusions you draw, because the survey is studying the wrong thing. The reality is more nuanced than just who owns a licence or quota on paper. Corporations don't have to own all the quota to control it, and I can provide a general example of this if we have time during questions. Anyone working with the industry knows this but will be cautious about speaking publicly about it for fear of repercussions.
The point is that, in B.C., even many of the few remaining owner-operators aren't independent. They can't sell their catch to the highest bidder, and they have no agency over their enterprises.
My second perspective is as a seafood consumer. Before marrying into a fishing family, I rarely ate seafood, because it was next to impossible to get local seafood in my coastal community of Vancouver, even though I was watching the offload of some of the most abundant, well-managed seafood in some of the cleanest water in the world.
I later found out that, in Canada, we export about 90% of what we catch, and, at the same time, about 80% of the seafood Canadians consume is imported. The pandemic and subsequent supply chain shocks laid bare just how vulnerable our food system is. It's a simple fact that the average Canadian can scarcely access Canadian seafood, and the seafood they can buy often comes from fisheries with far worse environmental and human rights track records than Canadian seafood. Concentration of licences and quotas into fewer and fewer export-oriented hands is a big part of the problem.
Third, my perspective is as a small business owner. My husband and I started Skipper Otto Community Supported Fishery in 2008 to de-risk fishing for fishing families and to provide direct access to Canadian seafood for Canadians. Since then, we've grown from supplying the fish from one family—my father-in-law, Otto—to supplying the fish from 45 fishing families in B.C. and Nunavut and providing their catch directly to over 8,000 home cooks across the country, from Victoria to Ottawa.
There is significant, growing demand from both the supply side and the demand side of our business. Because of our lean, direct-to-consumer model, we pay fishing families more than they can get anywhere else. As a result, we have more demand from harvesters than we can meet and, because we provide the most fisher-direct, transparent food in Canada, there's huge demand from consumers across the country as well.
Ultimately, what this whole issue of foreign ownership and corporate consolidation comes down to is that the Government of Canada has privatized access to the commons. There's a good reason why we don't privatize, for example, our national parks. They're a common resource for all Canadians. I'm sure big companies could make a fine go of providing services in parks and charging admission, but we don't go for that, because it wouldn't equally benefit all Canadians.
Foreign ownership and corporate concentration of licences and quotas privatizes the commons. It takes away the power of the boots-on-the-deck fishing families, and it de-risks an inherently risky industry for the big players while placing the risk squarely on the shoulders of the little guy.
If we care about retaining the social, cultural and economic benefits of the fisheries in our indigenous, rural and coastal fishing communities, then the Government of Canada must tackle foreign ownership and corporate consolidation alongside a made-in-B.C. fleet separation and owner-operator policy.
Thank you for your time, Mr. Chair and members. I'll be pleased to answer questions.