I think that it's fairly well managed through bycatch quotas.
When I referenced “rockfish”, that's one of the areas where we see that happening a lot. Some rockfish are abundant and very sustainable and some are not. In fact, some are endangered.
The quotas attempt to manage that. The harvester is not incentivized to harvest in an area where they might be catching more Bocaccio rockfish then, say, Quillback rockfish,because when they've fished and caught their maximum allowable quota of a Bocaccio rockfish, it shuts down their entire operation. The incentives I think are aligned well in the quota management system.
I think where that could be enhanced is that when we allow all rockfish to be called just “rockfish”.... I think we could further incentivize that, drive the price down for some of those fish, by labelling them. I think the consumer who's concerned about whether this is an abundant or sustainable rockfish would like to know if the one that's being caught is one of the endangered ones. I think it would further drive down the price of those rockfish and would drive up the price of the more sustainable rockfish.