Look, I have limited time, Minister.
The thing is that the illegal poaching that's happened over the years, for which your department has refused to enforce the law, has resulted in criminal elements from the United States, Quebec and Ontario coming here and doing it. They're still doing it, and you're not approaching it. The same official at C and P said the same thing at the beginning of July: They had enough resources to enforce the poaching in the lobster fishery, yet poaching in the lobster fishery went on all summer, with virtually no arrests.
Now, going back to the elver fishery, it was so bad that on the only river that DFO does science on, the East River in Chester, DFO pulled all the science. It was too dangerous. They wouldn't even protect that river to do the science. I don't want to hear this department come out and say, “We can't hold an elver fishery next year, because we didn't do the science this year; we didn't have the courage to protect the river that we do the science on.” It wasn't—