Actually, the traceability appears on the packaging of 90% to 95% of our products.
Yes, in some situations, we can't display the traceability on certain products for technical reasons. For example, in the balanced format used to print packaging, we use a field to display the ingredients we're legally required to show on the packaging. In some cases, it's hard to add the traceability because we simply lack the space.
In other situations, we have several different suppliers for a single product. It's harder to display the traceability if the provenance of those suppliers varies widely. For example, if we have a product that comes from Canada and the United States, the traceability displayed on the packaging might be “North America”. However, it's harder to find a general term to convey that information in the case of a product from the United States and China.
Most of the time, the traceability is displayed on all our private-label products and on those offered at our counters, including plastic-covered containers.