Good afternoon.
Thank you, Ian.
In addition to improved data collection, it's imperative that DFO and the Government of Canada recognize the contribution by independent owner-operators in terms of food security. As the past two years have shown us, supply chains can be disrupted at a moment's notice. It is incumbent that we maintain seafood supplies for Canadians. Independent owner-operators are the best way to keep the resource and the benefits in local communities.
The past two years have also shown us that the worldwide demand for seafood is unprecedented. High demand for product can be a double-edged sword in that, although an improved price has been paid to fishers and others in the supply chain, the pressure to overfish a stock or fish a stock illegally can occur without proper monitoring and enforcement.
A significant majority of fishers seek two important things. One is that they be paid a fair and financially sustainable amount for their product. The second is that the resources be responsibly managed so that current and future fishers may remain viable in an industry that they know and love.
Although unreported catches do not seem to be an extensive problem on Prince Edward Island, we are concerned that this is a growing problem that industry and provincial and federal governments need to find effective solutions for. The PEIFA has been and continues to be a vocal advocate for consistent and widespread enforcement of all resource-related offences under the Fisheries Act.
Various sectors of the industry are working towards bringing stability to the sector after many years of financial returns that were insufficient for harvesters and other parts of the supply chain. This sustainability can be achieved only by ensuring that our resources are protected and that all fishers are recording all catches in an established and consistent manner.
The outlook for the future will remain positive if our stocks are protected and if data is collected and managed in a responsible and consistent manner for all species and fishers. By doing this, we can ensure the prosperity of the current fishery in both the short term and the long term.
This concludes our opening remarks. We'd be pleased to answer any questions that the committee may have. Thank you.