Sure. For a long time, indigenous communities in the Maritimes have wanted greater access to the fishery, and our organization has always been a strong proponent of that. We think there's room in the fishery for greater indigenous access, and that should be one of DFO's prime objectives. However, we need to do it through a licensed setting, because we have a set TAC. This is a species that traditionally has had some problems but is doing quite well now, but we still have to keep an eye on it. Therefore, all harvesting has to come under a DFO umbrella so that we know exactly what's coming out of the fishery from a conservation standpoint.
I don't want to paint all first nations with the same brush about doing unlicensed fishing, because they're not all doing it. There are opportunists. Other non-first nation fishers have capitalized on this, because they've seen that there's no enforcement and that nobody's minding the shop. They're capitalists. They just come in, and they are fishing and trying to make as much money as they can as well.