It's something we also touch on in our fishery audit, and it's something that we refer to as the “implementation gap”. What we're seeing is that DFO often has a lot of very good policies. It makes a lot of commitments to things, but the actual implementation of those things is not happening.
We're seeing this with the fishery monitoring policy. It's an excellent policy, and a lot of work has gone into it, but it hasn't been implemented yet, so that needs to be implemented and expedited.
I think it speaks a bit to one of my recommendations. In the U.S., there is a report to Congress on multiple factors that happen. It's not only the status of stocks, but other things like work plans and where the government work plans are. We don't have a similar accountability system for DFO here in Canada. One of the things that we would call for is a report to Parliament so that there is some accountability from DFO on its commitments and its work plans and whether it's implementing its policies.
We recently saw from the Auditor General's report on monitoring the gaps that exist. Again, there is a response from DFO, but we need to keep that accountability and the follow-up there so that things are implemented and things are moved forward.