Okay. I'm going to take a bit of a change of pace, if I could.
Dr. John Reynolds, who's the chair of COSEWIC, was before this committee last year, and I asked him about elvers. Some of what I've read in your responses to the industry has been that we have to be very cautious, that we can't increase the TAC to give more access, because we're going through a species-at-risk and COSEWIC process, although there are enormous and plentiful elvers on the east coast.
I asked if they could separate, through the SARA and COSEWIC processes, the elvers where there is a challenge in Ontario and the St. Lawrence, because of the damming of lakes and that kind of thing, versus the east coast, where that doesn't happen. He said yes, it is for two reasons: One, they are in more abundance and we can separate that in the process, and two, they probably have slight genetic differences, although they are all born in the same place.
Why is it that when the previous minister wrote me back on that issue, she said there was no way to do that?