We're all Canadians. We all love our home on native lands. We are the true north, strong and free. We love hiking, biking, canoeing, skidooing and skating. We love our environment. It's what makes us Canadians. We love the majestic mountains. We love the clear waters.
Currently Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation has an urgent matter in our backyard. We have an old abandoned mine, the BYG mine, and there's a threat that it could be leaking or bursting with freshet. There are so many horrible and deadly contaminants in there that would go into Dome Creek, the White River and the Yukon River, the very ecosystem that is already suffering in terms of the salmon. These issues are huge. It's ecocide. This is the death of an environment. The salmon are only giving us an indication and a message for all of our environment that we love as Canadians, and that is why it is important. These things are happening to us right now. We need to listen to the messages.