Madam Chair, thank you for the invitation to appear before your Committee on the Public Service Commission's (PSC) mandate. I have with me from the PSC Linda Gobeil, Senior Vice-President, Policy Branch, and Donald Lemaire, Vice-President, Services Branch.
I would like to discuss the responsibilities of the PSC and our studies and reports to Parliament.
Now approaching its 100th anniversary, the PSC is a unique organization with a long history of protecting merit and non-partisanship in the federal public service. We are independent of ministerial direction and report to Parliament. We also hold an authority necessary for the government to function—the staffing of the core public service under the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA). There are about 185,000 employees. All other HR functions, such as compensation and classification, are the responsibility of the executive branch.
Our core responsibility for protecting merit and non-partisanship has not changed over the last century. However, the way in which we carry out that responsibility has evolved considerably. Recently, I had the opportunity to discuss our system with the Civil Service Commissioner and the Public Appointments Commissioner in the UK, where the human resources management system has evolved differently from ours.
Under the new PSEA, which came into force on December 31, 2005, we have moved to a highly delegated staffing model. We are no longer running key parts of the staffing system. Instead, we have delegated staffing authorities to the deputy heads. We hold them accountable for ensuring that staffing actions respect the values of merit and non-partisanship, as well as those of fairness, access, and transparency.
We are the external auditor for staffing. We have a staff of about 1,000 highly skilled and professional employees, located across Canada. Our organizational units are responsible for staffing and assessment services, policy, audits, and investigations, as well as corporate services.
As a result of our long history, we have built up a large concentration of expertise in staffing and investigations, and we are building up our audit and monitoring capacity. We have provided you with more information on our activities, as well as on our organizational structure, financial, and human resources.
We report annually to Parliament on the health of the staffing system. Our report is tabled in both houses, through the Minister of Canadian Heritage. The new PSEA allows the PSC additional reporting authority, with the power to make special reports to Parliament when we deem the matter urgent or important.
At the time of passage, this amendment was taken to mean that we could transmit these reports directly to the speakers of both houses. However, without specific wording in the act, the reporting mechanism was unclear. The absence of a specific tabling provision has resulted in us tabling our reports through a minister, potentially restricting timely action as envisioned.
I would like to share with you the results of some of our recent work.
Last month we released two statistical studies. The first was on the use of ministerial priorities to staff positions in the public service. Our second study, on time to staff, provides a benchmark that will allow us to assess progress, as we modernize the staffing system under the new PSEA. These statistical studies are the beginning of a series, based on analysis of our data holdings.
We also issued two special audit reports, which we tabled and which stand referred to this committee. Our audit of the Canadian Space Agency found shortcomings in the management of staffing operations. I was particularly concerned about the lack of impartiality in staffing, the quality of the rating tools and assessment methods used, and the fact that human resources advisors and managers had conducted staffing transactions with a poor understanding of the framework governing staffing activities. In addition, the agency did not respect the merit principle and staffing values in 48% of the staffing files we audited. Consequently we imposed conditions on its staffing delegations.
Our audit of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner, OPC, determined that significant improvements in staffing systems and practices have been made. The OPC has a staffing strategy in place, supported by plans and policies. It has established communications strategies for management and employees, initiated a self-monitoring process, and is ready to conduct staffing under the new act. Accordingly, we have removed the restrictions previously placed on its staffing authority and established a standard delegation agreement with the deputy head.
We are currently conducting audits of acting appointments to and within the EX group, student programs and readiness for the new PSEA. We are also working on statistical studies in a number of areas such as the extent to which casual employees subsequently become employed under the act. In early October, we will be tabling our Annual Report.
Our recent studies and reports are the result of our new emphasis on oversight as the means for carrying out our responsibility to protect merit and non-partisanship. We would appreciate hearing from your committee on its areas of interest and how we might better serve Parliament in the exercise of our responsibility on its behalf.
We are an independent agency supporting Parliament but because of our staffing authority, must work closely with the executive. However, we look to our relationship with your committee as an important means of maintaining our independence from the executive branch.
I would be happy to answer any questions you may have at this time. Thank you.