Thank you.
One bit of good news, based on the study that has just been completed by D-Code, a private sector organization, which has surveyed 27,000 college and university students, is that they have a very strong interest in joining the public service, either provincial, municipal, or federal. From that perspective, there is a strong interest in joining these organizations.
What we're doing now is working with departments to identify where there are specific gaps, because it's not every place that faces the same challenge. If we take just human resources, which is our main concern, there is a big shortage and already a big gap. What we're doing is launching with our partners, the other departments, recruitment at the entry level. We put in place also a two-year development program to make sure they have proper mentoring and training so that they can achieve the level of performance we expect more senior officials to arrive at.
Also, we're working with different departments now with more specialized targeted recruitment among different communities. The first phase is basically to do the diagnostic, because starting from a general premise that everybody will face the same type of shortage is not a very effective way to identify a proper strategy to meet and close the gap. That's basically the process we have engaged.