Mr. Kramp, this committee is exactly the kind of process I look for. It is very important for me and my organization that we have the dialogue with this committee, because having members of Parliament ask questions on the record focuses the mind, the minds of all the people, and the subjects, which you touch here. You may not be quite aware of the impact this has on the system. People watch what is said at these committees very closely.
It's the system, and it works. In organizations like mine and the Office of the Auditor General, it is important that we continue to have that link with Parliament and maintain our independent point of view. So we will do the follow-up and identify the issues.
Regarding some of the issues I look for, one is strengthening the independence of my office. One of the big issues has been in the process, in the way in which I was nominated. It was through this committee. My nomination was a vote in both houses. The only way I can be removed is through a vote in both houses. This gives me a tremendous independence as to who my boss is. I know who my boss is: it's the people around this table.
I do have concerns about our budgets. I have not had any issues where people have tried to take money from our budgets. One way you control the watchdog, if you like, and the ability for me to organize my organization the way I want is to reduce the money.
Now, the minute I feel that I am in trouble, I can assure you I will come to this committee. But I'm always trying to make sure that we maintain that independent point of view and that ability to function independently.