I'll say two things quickly, and then I'll ask the associate secretary to comment.
There is the opportunity for some savings with respect to shared administrative services. The government already does a significant amount of this. For example, we don't have a security branch at Treasury Board; we simply share one with the finance department. Since we're co-located, there are huge opportunities there.
I'm always very skeptical of grand designs to make things bigger, as to whether that genuinely leads to savings, so I should say in some respects I'm very, very skeptical.
On the second issue, one of the mandates that I received in Mr. Flaherty's budget is to come up with a good expenditure management system. Since the country was in large deficits, there was so much centralization of expenditure reductions, and then once we got to surplus there really hasn't been a revisiting of that, so decisions are taken very narrowly. What do we do to manage priorities? Simply because something is coming up for renewal doesn't mean it's top priority. There may be something that has received funding that would be higher on the radar screens of all members. So we're looking at a system coming forward some time later in the year to facilitate good decision-making.
I'll ask the associate secretary to comment in greater detail.