I will check my information in anticipation of next fall. Thank you, Ms. Greene.
We are very stubborn over here, so I'd like to come back to the question raised by my colleague with respect to the closing. We talked about Quebec City, but we have exactly the same concern in relation to every other major mail processing centre in Quebec.
In reply to one of my questions earlier, you stated that five centres in Toronto have now been consolidated into two, I believe. I don't remember the exact numbers, but in Quebec City, this phenomenon is known as “montréalisation”. Operations are being transferred to Montreal. Of course, we all love that great and beautiful city, but every time operations are cut back in major centres in Quebec and Canada, something is taken away, and that will eventually have an impact. That is what I believe, so this isn't really a question.
You talked about Toronto, Calgary, Western Canada, Eastern Canada and the Maritimes. You were appointed a year ago and you have financial targets. In fact, you tend to talk about the company, whereas I would prefer that you talk about the Crown corporation. So, you have to meet your financial targets. You told us that you ask nothing of Canadian taxpayers. On the other hand, you most certainly have a strategic plan. At some point, you and your management teams sit down and take a look at your operations. I know that studies are carried out at the local and regional levels, but the final decision is made by the person who is the equivalent of the deputy minister. And very often as well, the decision is made at the political level.
Somewhere there must be planning that allows you to justify cutbacks. You will say there is no reduction in service, but I'm sure there must be some document somewhere on which you relied to make such important decisions as merging three or four sortation centres or shutting down one in Quebec City and moving the work to Montreal.