We just built the strategy in January. We started communicating the elements of the strategy through 16 regional forums that were attended by all of our supervisory people. For the first time in the history of the company we've brought our supervisors together to lay out the elements of the strategy. It was communicated to our 400 most senior executives of the company. It is communicated every month in a letter that I write to every single employee of our company. It is communicated to our people every month in progress reports on how we're doing. It's communicated at the local and the regional levels by plant managers and the supervisors in charge of depots. People are starting to become much more aware of issues like accidents and absenteeism than they were in the past. So it is being communicated I think very vigorously.
In terms of actual union discussions, we have union discussions pretty well every week at the local level. It has been communicated twice by me at the national level, so I am surprised.