My apologies; it's a buzzword. I'm sorry—point well taken.
As part of that reporting strategy for Parliament, how do you want to see the activities reported back to you? I think that should be part of the same exercise.
As for the significance of changes, no doubt there will be some technical issues, and there are going to be some policy issues, procedures, and systems. We have a PAYE directive, but PAYE only deals with the end of the year—PAYE means “payable at year-end”. If we're going to manage this on an accrual basis, maybe we'll have, say, payables at the end of the day. We'll make sure we capture all the liability on an ongoing basis, not only once at the end of the year, or at least on a quarterly basis, to make sure you have the information. Legislative changes will be called for, probably in the FAA, to adopt the proper basis of accounting to reflect this.
As for cultural change, I had that discussion. It's a bit like when we adopted metric measure in Canada—we went from fahrenheit to Celsius, or from miles to kilometres. Some of us remember that transition. It took a few years, and still sometimes we lapse back to pounds of meat. So it's going to take some time; it's something our minds will take some time to adapt to.