I'll call the meeting to order.
I'm going to give you a little bit of history about these estimates. These were the estimates that we studied last spring or last June. We had one study on June 11, when they came to explain the estimates process. Public Works came before our committee at the beginning of June and Treasury Board was before our committee on June 20.
I'll go quickly. We had the estimates process of June 11, Public Works came before us on June 8, and Treasury Board came before us on June 20. We passed the interim supply on May 3. We're now going to basically pass those original estimates, less whatever amount was passed under interim supply.
As far as I know, we cannot increase these amounts if we don't like them. They've already been decreased, as my friend Ray said. If you want to decrease them more, I'm not sure about that.
I have a couple of things to ask you. Do you want me to read through all of the votes? There are about five of them. I won't do them one by one. I'll do them by group.
Public Service Commission
Vote 95--Program expenditures..........$92,949,000
Public Service Labour Relations Board
Vote 100--Program expenditures..........17,073,000
Public Service Staffing Tribunal
Vote 105--Program expenditures..........$4,710,000
(Votes 95, 100, and 105 agreed to on division)