Usually when you do submit your...we ask for your post-secondary requirement. There is a pretty straightforward way to see the equivalency, if it's a university degree or a college degree. Our challenge now, and we're working on it, is when we do automated...the process screening. We discovered, for example, to use our local example, that our system didn't pick up CEGEP as a college.
We have to be aware when we do those automated selection processes that we have good translations and equivalents, and that's what we're paying attention to now to make sure that our automated processes do capture those equivalences. From a general perspective, this is not a major concern. If an individual raises it, identifies that it is equivalent to a post-secondary education, and that's the requirement, then it's pretty straightforward to assess that equivalency, which is not in the very the president mentioned, doctors or lawyers. That is quite different.