Thank you, Madam Chair. It is always a great pleasure for me to come before you to talk about my work as president of the Treasury Board.
I am accompanied by David Moloney and Wayne Wouters. We are here to answer all your questions about government operations.
Thank you, Madam Chair.
I welcome the opportunity to discuss the tighter approach to expenditure management and responsible spending adopted by the government since we took office and the savings measures we announced on September 25.
In my opening statement, I'd like to provide a high-level overview of three issues: first, why we're taking these measures; second, how they're being implemented; and finally, third, what this means for the future. After that, my colleagues and I will be happy to answer your questions on the specific details of our expenditure management initiatives.
Let me begin first with the principles, the reasons for these measures. Nearly a year ago, Canadians elected a new government on the promise of greater openness and greater accountability. Nowhere is this promise more important than on the issue of how government spends. Canadians have told us that they expect their hard-earned tax dollars to be invested responsibly in effective programs that meet their priorities. They're concerned about waste in government programs.
Unfortunately, the expenditure management system we inherited is not up to meeting the challenge of those concerns and of those expectations. Over the past decade or so, an incremental approach to funding decisions has become entrenched as a way of doing business. Many would be surprised to hear that the government is spending about $5,000 a year more for each Canadian family of four in programs and services than it did just five years ago, in 2001.
Over the past five years, total program spending has grown, on average, by 8.2% annually. In 2004-2005, growth in spending reached 14.4%. It's clear that a new approach is required, and we've already taken steps in the right direction. The Federal Accountability Act, our first piece of legislation, will establish important new checks and balances and enable Parliament and Canadians to see more clearly where tax dollars go and how they are applied against measurable results.
The vital next step is to renew the government's expenditure management system to position us to spend better on behalf of the people of Canada to ensure that we get maximum value. This will involve making important improvements in four key areas: enhancing the quality of information that departments provide to support cabinet and government decisions; reviewing existing programs on an ongoing basis so that ministers have the performance information they need to make sound decisions; ensuring that departments focus their management effort very explicitly on the need to achieve and demonstrate value for money; and finally, better reporting to Parliament and Canadians where we spend taxpayers' money, what we achieve with it, and whether they're getting good value for money, so the government can be held to account.
Madam Chair, this brings me to my second issue: how we deliver on the first step to do more responsible spending; that is, delivering our budget 2006 commitment to secure $1 billion in savings. As I announced on September 25, 2006, achieving the $1 billion in savings will be accomplished through tighter and more disciplined management of spending, which actually started on the first day we took office, and through the results of the review of programs we conducted and announced in September.
Let me tell you how we conducted the review. Building on the directions and the criteria set out in the budget, we adopted a rigorous approach and took responsible decisions to ensure that federal spending achieves results, provides good value for money, and most importantly, meets the priorities of Canadians. I worked with my officials to review spending plans from past budgets and consulted ministers to identify programs and spending in departments that do not meet the criteria we had set out in the budget.
In July and August, a committee of ministers established by the Prime Minister met three times to review savings proposals in detail and ensure that they met the budget criteria. The savings proposals were then considered and agreed to by cabinet. We have made some tough but responsible choices on behalf of Canadians. The list of savings totals $1 billion and it reflects the savings we identified in those programs that had unused funding because of lower take-up or because the objectives were being achieved through other programs, those that did not provide good value for money, those that could be delivered more effectively by streamlining or consolidating, and those that were not meeting the priorities of Canadians.
Let me give you a few examples of cuts made within my own Treasury Board portfolio. The previous government had decided to spend an additional $20 million to support regional ministers. We believe that the existing funding of $3.8 million is sufficient for that purpose and decided not to proceed with additional spending, saving $20 million for Canadians.
By eliminating uncommitted funding for government-wide initiatives, we will achieve savings of $18.5 million. This is funding that is no longer required, from past government-wide initiatives.
A reduction in program funding for the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada should generate more than $83 million in savings, and this includes eliminating funds set aside for the previous government. There was more than is required to proceed with necessary classification work.
Savings of over $9 million will be achieved by reducing low-priority training for federal employees at the Canada School of Public Service. The school has a budget this year of $89 million to deliver its programs. We will save $9 million over two years, while ensuring the school's resources are focused on core federal learning priorities.
I can provide many more examples of the significant economies, but in the interests of time I'll move on.
I'd like to conclude my opening remarks by focusing on the future and how the government will continue to ensure it is generating the best possible value for taxpayers' dollars. Responsible spending is the cornerstone of accountable government. Furthermore, responsible spending is not a one-time exercise; it's the way this government intends to manage tax dollars year in and year out. These reforms signal a fundamental change in the management culture in the federal government, a change that is essential for ensuring ongoing fiscal discipline and measurable results on the issues that matter most to Canadians.
All Canadians have a direct stake in the success of the exercise. Canadians are solidly in favour of a plan for managing spending and the need for the government to make decisions based on clear criteria and on measurable results. Our expenditure management system will lay the groundwork for disciplined and well-informed decision-making and transparent reporting. The government intends to be open and straightforward with Canadians regarding the public finances. Making this vision of accountable, transparent government a reality will require a better way of managing overall spending throughout the Government of Canada, with a much stronger focus on results.
Going forward, the government will make responsible spending the norm by requiring that all new and existing programs go through a systematic and rigorous examination. This will ensure that this government only approves funds that are actually needed to achieve measurable results, in a way that is effective and that provides value for money. Our new expenditure management system will be built on the principles of fiscal discipline, managing the results, and maximizing value for money. This government's new direction in spending management is a clear departure from the wasteful ways of the past.
Through these initiatives, Canada's new government will ensure significantly greater transparency, accountability, and value for money in all federal spending. We will settle for nothing less. That's why this undertaking is at the centre of this government's management agenda.
Thank you, Madam Chair.