Good morning.
I want to thank you for this opportunity to express my concerns about the changes that may be made to the federal government's procurement process.
First, I'd briefly like to describe my business. I represent SMEs working in the same sector as my business, but I represent no association. I am President of FREDAL Solutions, which operates in the field of office equipment and furniture, particularly photocopiers. We distribute Sharp photocopiers, which appear on the federal government's standing offer. FREDAL has been in business for 29 years; it's a service business.
My presentation focuses on my sector, which I know best, the wonderful world of photocopiers. Without giving you a detailed description of the current photocopier procurement process, which you're probably already familiar with, I want to congratulate those who withdrew the reverse auction that threatened us last June. That could have been disastrous for our sector.
Photocopier manufacturers are chosen on the basis of very strict criteria, regarding reliability, price and other equipment characteristics.
Does the process facilitate matters for purchasers? Yes, and at the same time it sets very strict guidelines for them. In addition, the purchase price includes the price of consultations that can be very easily obtained. This makes it possible to obtain information on other options, whether it be in one equipment class or another. In addition, federal government copier buyers seem very satisfied with the current process.
Does the government get the best prices on photocopiers? Some might think that the federal government is currently paying too much for its photocopiers. I can confirm for you that the federal government gets the best prices of all organizations, whether they be school commissions, hospitals, municipalities or provincial governments. The federal government always pays the best price. We even recently discovered that the Canadian federal government pays lower prices for its photocopiers than the United States.
That's further proof that there's no need to reorganize the photocopier procurement system from A to Z. Minor changes may be necessary, but the system works well on the whole.
At present, prices include consultations, in particular to add new characteristics to equipment the client already owns. In my view, the federal government gets excellent value when it buys photocopiers.
Now let's talk about the SMEs. Our business hires a full-time trainer for photocopiers. She serves the federal government and our other clients as well. If the federal government was no longer one of our clients, do you think we could still afford to pay a full-time trainer? The answer is no. We also hire technicians who must be trained for a number of months on our manufacturer's premises so that they can make the repairs to these machines, which are quite complex.
Without the federal government, we couldn't hire those trained technicians, and the companies' operating costs and our own would increase sharply. High sales figures thanks to the federal government enable us to increase our expertise in other markets, whether it be at the commercial level, municipal level, in the health sector, etc.
There's talk about changing the process and having one, two or three suppliers. The dangers of this kind of decision are the following. You can go to small municipalities where a manufacturer has no distributor. For example, if you consider the Petawawa military base, there's no distributor in Pembroke. That means that Pembroke SMEs would lose those service revenues.
There's also a danger when you limit the number of manufacturers. You've probably heard that, in the context of the reverse auction, some of the major players in the photocopier and officer furniture industry said they didn't want to take part in the system because it was too dangerous for everyone. So there was a threat. Overlimiting the number of suppliers in our field would probably cause job losses in most small towns.
In conclusion, I don't want to speak for other sectors, but the photocopier procurement system should not be changed from A to Z. In our opinion, as we've previously indicated, changes may be necessary, but they should be minor.
Thank you for your attention.