Thank you.
There are three other reasons, Madame Thibault, other than the fact that we left the Treasury Board president with no questions, and he was still sitting here, and I'm going, “Is there not more?”
The second point is that there has been significant discussion in the House on this issue.
The third point is that there is now a supply day on this issue in the House, going through the same thing again.
The fourth point is that we have this same issue before the other affected committees, all dealing with the same issue. We are simply duplicating what other committees are doing, what other time in the House is being spent, and I suggest we get back to our original purpose.
Why keep on flogging a horse? I recognize people want to make some political hay on a situation like this. Let's deal with the reality, think that over, and I would have hoped you'd have suggested that. If there is more pertinent direct information you honestly feel can be beneficial, I could understand that, but when it's already coming before the House now, on a full supply day with ample hours, what are we doing wasting our time at this point? That's my thought.
Why didn't we just...? Let's get on to the next and do our jobs.