There are so many problems with joint bids.
First, we're a very competitive industry, so it's totally against our nature. It's not unreasonable for somebody to turn around and say “Your nature may be so and so, but circumstances force you to go against what's natural”. That's one problem.
The other problem is that the margin in our business is so small you can't split. There isn't that to split. Splitting business in our business is not practical. You can't split it up. It's not like nuts and bolts.
One of the real problems we would all face is the question of liability. We have to carry insurance liability for the federal government. If we went into partnership with other companies, we wouldn't get it. We have a real problem getting it anyway on our own stance, but once you involve other parties--because insurance companies since 9/11 have got really, really jumpy--they wouldn't touch us with a barge pole.