With respect to what can be done, we heard with pleasure yesterday about the creation of a permanent government-industry committee, but this is not a new invention. This was the relationship we had up until January this year. Our current system is a product of over 25 years of ongoing consultation with the department. The whole system was developed through that process.
That process was cut off from us. It's not a revelation or a grand announcement that we're going to have this permanent committee; we're returning to a situation we used to have that should have always been, but seemed to have been cut off through this whole A.T. Kearney experience and their methodology, which seems to be shrouded in secrecy. Their whole principle seems to be don't speak to the purchasers, don't speak to the vendors; this is what we're going to do, and we're going to ram it through whether they like it or not.
Although we were pleased to hear of this permanent government-industry committee, it is something that was in place in the past, something we experienced, and that both government and industry benefited from for over 25 years to develop our current system.