Good morning, Chair and members of the committee.
It is my pleasure to try to give you an understanding of what has happened in British Columbia.
As you heard from my auditor colleague, Jim McCarter, I had the fortunate circumstance of having been the comptroller for British Columbia, and I'm now the auditor. I think, with a little trepidation, I can try to speak for both sides.
You should know, however, that when it came to this particular initiative, both the audit office and my former comptroller office were in unison in terms of what had to be done, and it was very much a cooperative thing. When I speak to you today, I think I'm reflecting the perspectives of both offices.
I want to share the B.C. experience, and I trust you have copies of my notes. I am going to try to do this fairly quickly, because I think the greatest payback is in the questions you'll ask, and hopefully the answers we will give.
You've already discussed accrual accounting, and I am not going to go into any great depth on that. I realize it can be daunting for some people. I think Bruce has already made us sufficiently familiar with it, and we can carry on.
My objective today is to provide an overview of our structure, the financial statements, and the budgets we prepared, and to also give you a bit of history on how we came to do accrual budgeting in our province.
I also want to talk about the changes that occurred at a relatively high level, the benefits that I believe we've obtained, and the impact on others, including all of you as legislators.
In my view, this is a movie that's not completed. There is more work to be done, and I'll talk a little about that as well.
In the interest of time, I put some material in an addendum. I actually cut this back twice, thinking that the ten-minute rule was not to be exceeded in any way. Thank you for your discretion.
There is additional information in both addenda that I would encourage you to read, but I'm not going to speak to it.
I would also encourage you, if your interest persists, to have a look at the Province of British Columbia budget and financial documents. They are all online.
I brought some documents with me today to illustrate how we've done this particular accrual budgeting and reporting. I'll leave those to be translated; it was too daunting for us to translate in the beginning.
I am going to mention some of the key facts and features that I hope will make the committee understand what we've gone through.
In terms of organization, of course, British Columbia is much smaller than the federal government. We have 150 organizations in what we call the government reporting entity; that's accounting-speak for what is defined as government. Our current budget has a projected expense of $34 billion.
We have a very legislative regime in British Columbia, and I'll explain a little about how we got there as we go through this.
For example, our budget must be tabled in the third week of February. It's a requirement of the B.C. Budget Transparency and Accountability Act.
Similarly, the public accounts by law must be released by August 31, but we have a best practice of releasing them by June 30, although I must admit 2005-06 this year was an exception. It may be related to the fact that I changed jobs.
The budget and the public accounts, similar to Ontario, are at the summary entity level. It means all the 150 organizations are included in one respect or another. They are based on generally accepted accounting principles. Again, a B.C. exception relative to other senior governments is that it's the law that we must follow generally accepted accounting principles.
The main estimates for ministries and other agencies are put together at the vote level, similar to your estimates, but on a full accrual basis. Similarly to what you heard for Ontario, there is a separate operating and capital budget. If you looked at our documentation, you would see both.
Ministries and offices are required to determine the accruals. It includes amortization for capital assets that have been previously acquired, accruals related to revenues that are due, and other expenses that are part of the budget request.
They're all reflected in the accrual appropriations, and then they are subsequently approved as part of the approval of what we call the blue book. They're approved by the legislature through a voting of supply, which also distinguishes between expenses, loans, advances, and capital asset acquisitions. It's where we have the ultimate authority.
They are directly comparable to the public accounts, which is one of the features that we wanted to have when we first set out. There's quite a bit of detail in our documents. Some of it is audited and some of it is unaudited, but it is there.
There's no translation needed in British Columbia from the budget to the public accounts. I'm not saying that means that all our legislators fully understand each of those numbers. I think if I had one of my legislators with me, they would agree. As has already been mentioned, accrual accounting budgeting is not easy, necessarily, to understand, but as I'll speak to in a minute, there's been significant acceptance.
Our move to accrual budgeting reporting began in the 1990s. There was a decision in B.C., ahead of others, I believe, to capitalize our assets. The capitalization, to make it manageable, was phased in over a number of years. So we started that in the late 1990s, and by 2002 we had met that requirement, ahead of what then had become a public sector accounting board requirement.
There was a B.C. Auditor General's report, my predecessor's report, that came out in 1999 called “Review of the Estimates Process in British Columbia”. If you're wondering why that was done, we had a particular problem in B.C. We're transparent. In 1996, we had a budget that was tabled, before an election, that was purported to be balanced. Three weeks after the election, it was not. As a result, there was a significant inquiry into how that could have happened. The report said, among other things, that the budgets and the fiscal plans of organizations needed to include the entire reporting entity.
There was also a budget process review panel that was set up after our Auditor General's report. This panel, in September 1999, said that the budget should include the entire reporting entity, which is now, as I've said, 150 organizations, and that they should follow the policies in the budget, similar to what are in the public accounts.
As a result, in the year 2000, the government implemented the first version of the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act, which is why I said we're significantly more legislated than other jurisdictions. This act did a number of things. It required us to implement GAAP by 2004-05. It also said that the budget and the public accounts had to be prepared on the same basis, meaning being full accrual GAAP compliant.
The act was an instrument that the government of the day used. It was amended by the incoming Liberal government and strengthened.
So in our approach to change, as you've heard, the recording of capital assets and the recording of amortization were two of the key features of our multi-year plan to introduce a new framework for British Columbia.
Similar to Ontario, we implemented the CAS Oracle system in 2000. You'll see later on that it's a significant cost. I didn't include it in my notes, but we're a little cheaper than Ontario. It was about $30 million, initially. And I haven't reflected that as part of our conversion.
The inclusion of all entities, and that includes schools, universities, colleges, and health authorities, was also a major challenge for our province, and that was done over a three-year period and represented a major amount of work.
There was a GAAP charter prepared. Again, how were we going to do it? This was done in cooperation with our colleagues. I was in the Office of the Comptroller General, but I did it in cooperation with the Treasury Board staff. They were responsible for the estimates, of course, and putting those together, but they received a lot of help from my former office and elsewhere in government.
We changed the estimates incrementally. Again, similar to the approach towards capitalization, it was seen to be too difficult to change them all at once. So gradually, we introduced in the estimates the things that had to happen that were necessary to meet the 2004-05 fiscal target.
We also had an accounting policy advisory committee. We felt that we needed outsiders, professional accountants, to also advise us on how this could best be done, and we took great advantage of it. That committee, actually, is also in the legislation and continues to provide the government of the day with advice regarding accounting matters.
Other changes were similar to Ontario. You heard that their Financial Administration Act had to be amended. So did ours, because the previous Financial Administration Act was cash basis. We had to change the definition of expenditure, which is in my notes. And I apologize, it's a little longer than what I heard from Ontario, but I'll just say briefly that it included amounts appropriated for amortization of capital assets, doubtful accounts, and other non-cash expenses. In relation to this, a reference to paying, spending, or otherwise expending amounts includes the application of non-cash expenses for the purposes to which they were to be put.
So that was one of the key things that had to happen in order to make our approach legal with regard to the legal framework we follow.
Considerable training, as you've already heard, is required.
We've been fortunate in British Columbia. We have a strong history of financial frameworks, systems, and staff, but accrual accounting represented some new hurdles for us to deal with, and we had an intensive training program. Again we were fortunate in that the majority of our senior financial officers were accountants. One of the things I strove for when I was comptroller, and support now as auditor, is that we do need designated accountants in some of these key jobs to make sure the work is done correctly. I believe that in my conversations with your comptroller, he feels much the same.
A lot of work had to be done up front in identifying the impacts of the new process. I must say that some things weren't black and white. True to any major reform, it was not only a change in accounting approach, a change in budgeting, but there was also a cultural change. Because not everyone was an accountant, we did find that there were some things that needed further attention once we got into it.
But overall I would say that change was less difficult than we anticipated. As the comptroller, I must admit that back then I was quite concerned about how this would go, particularly in our legislature, which is similar to the House of Commons. There were some surprises; for example, ministries forgot about some accruals. That, of course, is a problem, and as a result we had to fix it up with supplementary estimates. I believe this would happen in any conversion.
B.C. does have an advantage in the sense that we have a contingency vote, which varies, but it allows us to deal with issues such as this from time to time. Similar to Ontario, we do have statutory appropriations for certain items, as you would. So while there were some surprises, they were not unmanageable, and we're pleased at how we got through it. I'm also pleased to say that the recent experience, as we gain more and more understanding and more and more people are trained, has been positive.
With respect to costs, it's hard to say for sure. We didn't set out to identify all the costs throughout the organizations. There are 150 different organizations, some more effective than others, but the direct costs, I would say, were roughly around $5 million, but that excludes Oracle Financials. My recollection of the Oracle system, which we implemented in 2000, is that about $30 million was capitalized, and it has been enhanced several times since, so the cost today in spent dollars would probably be around $70 million.
The advantage we have in B.C. is that we have to deal with only one system for ministries and agencies, which is Oracle. Again, my understanding of the federal system is that you have six or seven systems that are accepted for use--maybe less now, maybe more. You would have a more difficult time than us, because of the multiplicity of systems.
So we didn't track all the costs, but my estimate would be about $5 million, excluding whatever systems.
Why did we set out to do this? Obviously we went into it not just to address the problem of Budget 1996, but to realize some benefits. These are consistent with what we've already heard from Ontario. We believe it enhances transparency and accountability with the estimates and the public accounts on the same basis.
You can compare figures. You can track them through our documents. It's not the easiest for non-accountants, but you can.
We also believe it improves the management or stewardship of resources, capital assets being one of them. In the previous system, where capital assets were expensed, this led to a desire in some cases to buy those assets strictly subject to appropriation room at the end of the year—and then you sort of bought them and forgot about them.
That isn't happening in B.C. now. You purchase assets, but you have to know that whatever the amortization period is, this is a cost that will carry on into your future budgets. If you have significant asset acquisitions, of course, this infringes on other operating costs. So we think it makes people more responsive and more accountable for capital in other resources.
Another liability, which was a favourite of mine, was that ministries make loans and advances, and you wouldn't see the related bad debt expenses until later. This enforces discipline in that if you're going to make those things and you now have to set up a provision, you should be the one who's primarily accountable in the ministries. We used some ways to make it easier on ministries, so in some situations we centralized the accruals to make it easier on the system and to make sure the entries were of the right quality.
The other thing we see is there's a better comparison of alternatives. You've already heard from my colleague that the old lease versus buy question comes up regularly. What you don't want are decisions being made on the available appropriation room, when in reality the long-term operating and amortization costs would tell you to do otherwise.
I know from my conversations with Ms. Fraser that she's mentioned that to you, and that is something we found.
We've already talked about long-term liabilities. Many non-cash things are significant to the financial statements.
Capital projects are major, just to give you a sense of that, similar to your situation. It wouldn't be a very large part of the overall budget for the province, but the acquisitions in B.C. are slightly under $500 million at the current time. That is a significant number in our situation.
As you've heard me say, those costs are provided by the Supply Act in terms of the necessary cash, so you still have control over cash in terms of the acquisition, and then you see the ongoing costs of the asset, both related to the amortization and the operating expense.
I've already talked about the year-end lapsing situation, so I won't repeat that.
We didn't anticipate many other ancillary benefits, particularly as we moved to pick up schools, universities, colleges, and health authorities. Just so you understand, we're the only senior government...and it doesn't apply to the federal government, but the provincial governments now include all schools, universities, colleges, and health authorities in their reporting entity. Some came willingly, some much less willingly, but we've overcome that hurdle since 2004 or 2005, and it's working well.
One of the ancillary benefits we got is that they fit into our financial framework. Many organizations, such as universities, started to produce quarterly financial statements, which they had never previously done, and that's because they now had to do it to tie into our own quarterly financial statements, which again are by legislation. It's part of our control framework.
Legislators. As I said, I was particularly worried as a comptroller back then about how my Minister of Finance, a very capable Minister of Finance, would support this and how it would play at the public accounts committee and in the legislature generally. I must say, while there were a lot of questions about, “Well, Arn, what does this really mean, and what do I have to worry about?”, in the end, it was well accepted, and I think that was partly because it was part of a bigger framework, a bigger change in terms of expanding the entity--full accrual, better reporting, legislated dates for the delivery of various products. They saw this as one of the things that had to happen to further modernize B.C.'s system.
We did provide opportunities in the legislature and in the public accounts and, more particularly, at Treasury Board. While there were a lot of questions, it was well accepted.
There are some challenges. As I said, no system is ever finished. I've learned that in 31 years of service, almost 32, so I leave that to my comptroller, and now I'm interested from a different point of view. But there's more room.
Some of the things that still need to be worked on are the planning of capital projects, not so much the $500 million in the ministries, but here I'm thinking more in terms of the capital in the SUCH sectors, those schools, universities, colleges, and health authorities that require major capital resources. We have to get better information on that, and that's being addressed.
We have a greater need to understand the downstream implications of capital. We see that now through the amortization of major assets, but as you would know, amortization is only a part of the downstream. When you build a new hospital or a school, there are thirty or forty years of operating costs, unless it's a replacement facility. Some of those capital implementations can have a major impact on the budget.
The other thing I didn't put here, but I will say, is that while we are comfortable with where we are at in terms of the ministry use of accrual budgeting and reporting, still more needs to be done. I'd like to broaden the understanding of accrual budgeting and reporting beyond strictly the financial people we employ--and they are well qualified--to the program managers much more. In our case, many have an understanding, but not yet to the degree that I would like to see. Again, it's all about giving the right information to those program managers, so they know how to make the decisions they are paid to make.
We also want to continue auditing of various classes of assets in our office, and that's one thing I should say. We've now capitalized all our capital assets, so there's no more on the agenda, currently. That includes systems. It includes land to the extent it's purchased, not sovereign land. It includes a variety of capital assets. Systems would be the largest of the less than $500 million I mentioned. Systems are about $150 million a year, which is not surprising. I think the federal government would find the same thing.
So there is more work to be done. I don't want to give the impression we're resting on our laurels and we're comfortable; there's more work.
I haven't given you all the copies of the various budget and financial reports. I have them here, but I would encourage you, as I said earlier, if you're interested, to get copies of them. Unfortunately, we don't have them in both official languages. That's a shortcoming, I know, when coming to Ottawa, and I apologize.