In British Columbia we are seeing some difficulties in recruiting accounting professionals, and my colleague alluded to it as well. I think that's a Canadian phenomenon. I would hope, however, that in your system, as in ours, we have sufficient talent that can be supplemented by others. Again, it's not something that can be done all internally; you will need some outside advice and expertise.
I just want to come back for a second to how you make sure this happens. I want to echo the words of my colleagues here, which is that to make it a success, you need that champion. That was our big factor in British Columbia. There was great momentum, based on the Doug Enns review and the Auditor General's report. Something had to change, and that change imperative then drove the system. While there were certainly lots of issues regarding people who were used to cash and didn't want to switch to accrual, they could see, in effect, the writing on the wall to the effect that it's going to change, so we might as well get on board and make it a success. To me, that's the biggest issue you need to have resolved, that there's momentum behind the change, there's support, and you won't be varied from your agenda.
I think the resource issue is an important one, but if you have a multi-year plan where you bite off chunks of the problem as opposed to trying to solve it in a big-bang way, which is what we tried to do, that is another factor in guaranteeing some success here.